someprojects Information about some projects by Marek Walczak, Martin Wattenberg, Rory Solomon, Wesley Heiss, Johanna Kindvall and others will now be documented at1….

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HERE & NOW[here][now] is an installation and Internet artwork that investigates the limits of patience and space in a multi-user virtual 3D environment. The project draws comparisons between technological progress and geographical exploration, implicitly hinting at an equivalence between forgotten geographies and outmoded technologies.

[here][now] will premier at the Incheon Digital Art Festival 2009 in Korea on August 7th 2009.


Noplace at the Tate


Noplace at the Tate Noplace Online has launched as part of the Tate’s Intermedia series.

Whether paradise, heaven or a pessimistic distopia, each of us has a vision like no place on Earth. In noplace you write a few words about that place that has not yet come into being. As your write, your words trigger a set of visual associations, colliding to form a video of your ideal.

Noplace at Synthetic Times


Noplace at Synthetic Times, Beijing Noplace Installation premiered as part of Synthetic Times in Beijing, running from June 9 – July 3, 2008. More images from the installation are here

Noplace : Heaven at Video Vortex


noplace : heavenIf you are in Amsterdam on Friday 19th October we invite you to the opening of Video Vortex at the Netherlands Media Art Institute

Where we will be showing our work:
Noplace : Heaven

You may enjoy some screengrabs of the piece.



GothambergEveryone who has lived in an apartment has a story to tell. Gothamberg is a place to read, interact and exchange stories of lives in apartment buildings. Together, these tales of sounds and smells, lobbies and bathrooms, laundry room gossip and unexpected favors form a single collective building, Gothamberg. Their experiences form the elliptical threads of inhabitation, a mnemonic quality expressing something of the shared nature of dwelling.




Futureface Futureface is a group of 8 people that met once a month over Saturday brunch to discuss the future of interface. Each month there is a set topic and each person provides one image and a short text. Our intention is to then create an installation/exhibition based on our thinking.

Go to website

Third Person


Third PersonThird person is a temporal mirror. Using camera recognition technology, it replaces realtime video of people at the installation with clips recorded earlier. In the present, people’s movements are ‘averaged’, a little like a Muybridge photo sequence, so that they form the canvas onto which the previous footage then plays.

People are visible only as dark silhouettes against which, perhaps, you can see a previous clip of a figure in white descending the same staircase.

Third Person was shown at the ICA, London, as well as at LMCC, 4 Walls Film Club and by appointment.
