

AdriftADRIFT was an evolving multi-location Internet performance event that combined movement through 3D space, multiple narratives and richly textured sound streaming between virtual and real geographies.
Recent performances were designed for presentation as spectacles in physical locations. Making use of the output of 3 vrml cameras, ADRIFT was received by three computers and projected by three projectors onto a semicircular screen. The work focused on multiple journeys through a harbor and through virtual space.




2D3D 2D3D was an early netart piece, part of the exhibit ‘Port’ at the List Center Gallery, MIT, 1997.

A user selects a webpage, and the perl/vrml software would translate the site into 3D.

The program would read the text, the images and the html code to generate specific shapes and backgrounds, so forming a unique portrait of the site.
